Photo Album

Pictures contributed by Ian Cross (16 images, taxon order showing latest first)

Agelena labyrinthica female close-up
Agelena labyrinthica female close-up
Agelena labyrinthica female
Agelena labyrinthica female
Arctosa perita camoflagued
Arctosa perita camoflagued
Argiope bruennichi close up
Argiope bruennichi close up
With Bog Bush-cricket a favourite prey on humid heath
With Bog Bush-cricket a favourite prey on humid heath
Argiope bruennichi male and female
Argiope bruennichi male and female
Argiope bruennichi cocoon
Argiope bruennichi cocoon
Atypus affinis female in Dorset
Atypus affinis female in Dorset
Atypus affinis purse
Atypus affinis purse
Dolomedes fimbriatus close up
Dolomedes fimbriatus close up
Dolomedes fimbriatus juvenile with hoverfly
Dolomedes fimbriatus juvenile with hoverfly
Micrommata virescens female close-up
Micrommata virescens female close-up
Micrommata virescens female in Dorset
Micrommata virescens female in Dorset
Philodromus margaritatus on post
Philodromus margaritatus on post
Thomisus onustus and Volucella bombylans close-up
Thomisus onustus and Volucella bombylans close-up
Thomisus onustus and Volucella bombylans
Thomisus onustus and Volucella bombylans

See also: A-Z Picture Index - Contributor Photo Albums

For individual picture credits and further details click picture.